Our Practices
We will maintain a policy of the open distribution of the knowledge. We will aggregate the knowledge to enhance and distribute it without the confinements of caste, creed, race, or national origin so that the contributors also become beneficiaries.
We strive to be a model institution of wisdom for the humanity. Learning and practicing human values are as essential as learning an alphabet.
As the prudence in finances is the key ingredient to accomplish the mission, we will also adopt a policy of the financial sustainability.
Resources inside and outside of the Earth are very precious. We support the buyers, suppliers, and the staff who maintain and execute the environmental friendly policies.
Our business ethics reflect the fairness to all, favoritism to none, and responsibility to our mission.
We will use technology to maximize the mission, minimize the cost of operation, and to sustain financial viability.
Our employees are what we are. The welfare of our employees has a direct relationship with our performance. We will adopt a fair compensation policy to support individual growth. Evolution of the organization ultimately hinges upon the evolution of all stakeholders.
Our decision-making process shall be open, seeking contributions from many, and arriving at a broad consensus with our guiding principles.
Imparting of knowledge with the wisdom is important for the benefit of the society.
Each faculty of knowledge will have its own advisors, guiding principles, and practices.
We will create the systems that will drive and reinforce the core values of the mission, equitable distribution, higher qualities, compassion, and the transparency. Strong mission aligned processes shall be installed.